when i was young i was filled with such hunger and lust for the world and its secrets for all that is and was and will be. i wanted to know the answer to every questing my ever spinning child brain could imagine. i sank my teeth deeply into all that i loved savouring and devouring it down to the bone filling me up to the brim of my being. i threw myself into the highways of my obsessions gracefully crumpling under a stampede of unforgiving tired grinding me sticky and red into the melted asphalt. nothing really changes when i think abou everything. no amount of answers could fill the empty i feel. my eyes are melting up out and away from their sockets; child's grasp freeing a ballon. i pluck they from the sky and shove them deep down back within the craters of my face. fuzzy and unfocused. it's getting harded to see clearly. In order to evolve into the next stage discard this form and inject to withing inside inside inside indise idneijd deineids diende dies dies dies dies dies die diedidiedieidideidiedieideidiedieidiedie


a feeling of utter weariness and discontent resulting from satiety or lack of interest; boredom.

I shed off my body it is mine was it taken no longer me it's him but am i him? who is him his eyes glused in my skull staring sheet pale glassy visage i just want to feel the sun on my skin for another moment i forget what a smile feels like.

why did you do that to me? you taught me how to smile Minerva. and you stole that away from me to make the chair fall from beneath me all the longer as i dangle